About Us
When you’ve been in the commercial flooring business as long as I have, you know all about pride.
For over 20 years, I’ve enjoyed seeing the pride of first-time homeowners when new flooring helps turn a house into a home. The pride that keeps a couple’s long-time home beautiful, warm, and welcoming for years. The pride a new business owner feels as he or she welcomes customers into an inviting and comfortable store or office.
And it’s pride that drives me today. With a company name based on my own, it’s my reputation at stake. Because of that, I have a personal responsibility to ensure my customers are completely satisfied today and tomorrow. I’m here for them, and I stand behind every job we perform – whether it was two days ago or two years ago.
That means I’m personally involved in everything we do. Call the office, and nine times out of 10, I’ll be the one picking up the phone. Need your room measured for new carpeting? Don’t be surprised to see me at your door, tape measure in hand. Have a question about the best new “green” floorings on the market? I’ll help you understand all the choices out there.
We’re a small company, and that’s by design. It’s the best way I know to ensure my customers get the service they deserve. It also helps keep overhead low, which means lower costs for everyone, big projects and small.
I don’t advertise, and that helps keep costs down, too. But it also means there’s one way I can succeed — positive word of mouth.
To put it simply, I can’t afford to have an unhappy customer.
Let’s see if I can help make you happy with your flooring. Give me a call today.
Mark Ruby
Romar Flooring Inc.
(847) 288-9060